Saturday, April 25, 2015


Having grown up in Japan is really helping me deal with such close quarters. We have about 400 square feet from front to back of the RV (with the slides out it goes from 8' wide to almost 14'). But you can hear everything the other person is doing. More detail would be TMI, but you know what I mean. In traditional Japanese homes, the walls are mostly sliding framework panels with paper inserts. Again, you can hear everything. So you learn not to listen and pretend you don't know what you shouldn't.

When Marv wants quiet time, he sits in the driver's seat with his earphones on. When I want to be alone, I usually go in the bedroom and close the door (often napping as long as I'm there). We've managed not to get into each other's hair too often. When we do, it's pretty obvious! Someone gets grumpy. Or two someones.

We spent a few days in Tupelo, MS, where we walked along the Natchez Trace Parkway. The National Park is over 400 miles long and 800 feet wide on average. The little bit that was open for walking was just beautiful.

Oops, that one just slipped in there by accident.

We don't have forests like this in Colorado - such variety and so tall! We enjoyed the cooler air in the forest, too. Tupelo is pretty humid. 

So we went further north, to Little Rock, AR, where we spent a couple of weeks being entertained by my college roommate, Peggy and her husband, Tom. They took us to several nice restaurants (with pie, of course), to church, and sightseeing in Little Rock and Hot Springs.

Peggy and I hadn't seen each other in about 30 years. She even took me to quilt stores! We had a great time! Thanks, Peggy and Tom. 


  1. Peggy looks wonderful! I can still remember you girls when you had long, long hair and short, short skirts! And why in the world did you think you can't take good pictures? I love the one looking up at the treetops and the one with the path that curves out of sight. Excellent! I have friends who RVd together for years. Once every 3 months, they parked the RV and checked into a nice hotel - in SEPARATE rooms. They each did whatever they wanted to do for 48 hours, then happily reunited for a continuation of their RV adventure. One was a spa happy chick who vegetated, got massaged, shopped and ate. The other one played golf, visited interesting places and ate. I thought their way of coping was pretty smart! Anyway, nice post and keep on truckin'!

  2. Thanks! Wait until you read our next adventure. :(
